Celebrating McDonald's authentic role in British youth culture

Between the hours of 4-6 pm, McDonald’s is one of the few places young adults can call their own… And they call it anything but McDonald’s. This campaign celebrates the role McDonald’s plays in British youth culture by focusing on the insight that young adults take ownership of the invite to McDonald’s by creating their own nicknames for the brand.


Working alongside an ongoing panel of 16-24-year-olds through youth empowerment network We Rise and The Diversity Standards Collective, we developed a fully integrated campaign that we launched with an epic film. Directed by Amara Abbas through Iconoclast, the spot showcases young adults from across the country taking ownership of the invite to McDonald’s using their own personal nicknames.

‘A celebratory, coming of age vibe’

– Creative Review

We also invited young adults to take ownership of other brand across outdoor media and social. Co-creating with the audience through Street Interview style content, where young adults express how they take ownership of the brand. Alongside this, we released a social sticker collection, so young adults can create their own invites to McDonald’s and send them onto their friends.



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Selected recognition:

Creative Salon ‘Work of the week’ / Ad Age ‘Editors Pick’ / Campaign ‘Ad Of The Day’ / The Drum ‘Ad of the day’ / David Reviews ‘Pick of the day’